Capital Market Expertise
As a business partner, we offer a combination of business understanding, technical know-how, and implementation experience within our core domain, the capital markets.
Our foundation
We want to create a consultancy with a strong focus on delivery, as well as the ability to understand our clients’ challenges, so we can add the value our clients need.
Learn more about who we are and what we do
We combine our business know-how with technical knowledge and practical experience within the capital markets area
Learn more about how we help secure business objectives

ESG investments – now what?

Capital Market Partners' M&A Services

Drill, baby, drill – and Omnibus Regulation – Critical time for ESG?

Kenneth Brandborg is new Managing Partner at Capital Market Partners

CMP welcomes new Director

NYSE to consider 24/7 stock trading

Challenges in the Post-Trade Area

Will ESRS Data End the Need for ESG Ratings?

Are You Ready for PSD3?

CMP welcomes new Director

CMP welcomes new Senior Manager

Be Careful - Disclosure Regulation May Not Disclose Very Much…
About CMP
CMP is a consultancy company. We combine our business knowhow with technical knowledge and practical experience of project management within the Capital Markets area to create a bridge between business and technology.
We support the players in the Capital Markets field, ranging from the largest Nordic banks to data centrals to pension and insurance companies to asset management.
Contact info
Capital Market Partners A/S
St. Regnegade 12, 3.
1110 Copenhagen
CVR: 3308 1731