Process Overview – a useful tool or just a waste of time?

Endless workshops, swimming lanes, input / output, triggers and process diagrams. The typical results of a decision to document the business processes of an organization. Is it just a smart idea from the management or can it actually be used for something?

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Alternative investments

CMP’s initial guide to Alternative Investments

Alternative Investments are the talk of the town. Most pension funds are heavily increasing their investments in Alternatives. However, Alternatives are, as the name indicates, not like ordinary investments, which is why regular investment systems and setups often fall short in terms of delivering satisfactory support. In the following, we will take an initial look on what organizations must do to comply with the formal and informal requirements involving Alternatives.

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CMP case: How AP Pension reduced their annual accounting reporting time from weeks to days

Capital Market Partners (CMP) has helped Danish pension fund, AP Pension, in optimizing their accounting processes – being able to generate annual accounting figures within 4 days. AP Pension is transforming from a “go fix it” to a “process and structure” mindset enabling focus on analysis and innovation instead of solving errors and maintenance. 

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