I kølvandet på forandringerne i den finansielle sektor: CMP byder velkommen til erfaren kapitalforvalter inden for Investment Management.

Det er med stor glæde at CMP fra 1. oktober 2017, kan byde Henning Skov Jensen velkommen, som ny manager. Henning bliver en del af Investment Management teamet, og skal med sin omfattende erfaring inden for kapitalforvaltning, styrke udvidelsen af de allerede eksisterende ydelser CMP tilbyder kunderne, indenfor Investment Management.

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Long Term Effects of MiFID II – 3rd Edition

For Whom the Bell Tolls

– Will MiFID II Bring About the End of the OTC Era?

Over the last couple of days, I have posted on what I see as the likely effect of MiFIR on respectively the equity and bond markets. In this post, we will turn to the derivatives markets. These are the “true” OTC markets, and my prediction is, that this is where the impact of MiFIR will be felt the hardest.  I see several factors combining to bring this about.

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Long Term Effects of MiFID II – 2nd Edition

For Whom the Bell Tolls

– Will MiFID II Bring About the End of the OTC Era?

MiFID II/MiFIR is a broad regulatory complex, that influences a lot of activities within the banks. Currently, people within the financial sector across Europe are busy getting it right and delivered in time. In three editions, I can hopefully broaden the perspective of the consequences of MiFID within the next couple of years. In this series of posts, I will take my point of departure in three important markets: equity, bonds and derivatives.

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