Persondatapolitik – GDPR

1. Introduktion

Capital Market Partners A/S (“CMP “, “vi”, “os” eller “vores”) er forpligtet til at beskytte fortroligheden, integriteten og tilgængeligheden af vores kunders, leverandøres, samarbejdspartneres og vores medarbejderes oplysninger, herunder personoplysninger. Vi er stærkt engageret i at beskytte personoplysninger og arbejder kontinuerligt for at sikre løbende overholdelse af databeskyttelseslovgivningen, herunder databeskyttelsesforordningen. Læs mere

Farvel til silotænkning på kapitalmarkedet

Der er to områder, som driver forandringerne på kapitalmarkederne lige nu: lovgivning og digitalisering. Bankerne skal fremover gøre livet lettere for kunderne og integrere bankens løsninger med kundens egne.

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CFA: Day #4 – At the End of the Road Happiness Lies

Last day is really only a half day, but with interesting sessions. Finally, there was a solid FinTech presentation about cryptocurrencies and then HE came, the one and only, Daniel Kahneman. That was the perfect end of a good conference

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CFA: Day #3 – The Girl with the Graphs and the Chinese Coconut

Until now, day three has been the best, and for surprising reasons. There was a FinTech session, but it was quite disappointing, even though I have a great interest in FinTech. A presentation on Japan, an unwillingly comic corporate presentation from Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing(HKEX) and a really brilliant presentation on ‘Illusion of control’ saved the day

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CFA: Day #2 – Gone Fishing in China

Imagine that you are going for a walk on the shores of a big lake, and you stumble across a man fishing. That proved to have a lot to do with my 2nd day at the conference

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CFA: Day #1 – Lift Off

Finally, the conference has taken off. There is no doubt that there are two major focuses on this year’s conference. The first is behavioral finance, or more accurate how to behave in finance. The second is insights into Asia and especially into China

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CFA: Day #0 – Join CMP at the 71st CFA INSTITUTE Annual Conference

Once again Partner Kenneth Brandborg is participating in the CFA Institute annual conference. Kenneth will share his daily insights from the conference in Hong Kong

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