Moving Towards Continuous Delivery and a Better Agile State

For almost two decades, agile and continuous delivery has had much focus in the software development business. Many startups are founded on an agile culture of prototyping and experimenting until a sellable product or service emerge. For older software development companies, it has become a new way to revolutionize the business and deliver more “functionality” faster to get happier clients. The agile tools no matter framework, are easy to implement and use – only a few artifacts that are easy to understand.

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#Fintechgration – We believe in partnerships between financial institutions and FinTech startups

3 min read

The capital market is under development. A development driven by innovative technologies and developed by an increasing number of FinTech startups. The spreading of these startups also means that the established financial institutions can look forward to a market, that increasingly will be about partnerships – however, the integration is bringing on new challenges on both sides.

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