What Does it Take to Ensure Accurate and Timely NAV?

Net Asset Value (NAV) is value per share of a mutual fund or an exchange-traded fund (ETF) on a specific date or time. For fund managers, this means that accurate prices must be provided on a daily basis in a highly regulated and fast-moving environment – this post goes through four steps that elaborate on how to ensure accurate and timely NAV in relation to processes, system and platform, data and controls.

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7 Key Takeaways in Fintechgration – Implementing a Fintech Solution

We see a development within the financial sector and in the capital market – a development driven by technologies and developed by an increasing number of FinTech startups. For established financial institutions, this means that they are looking at a new landscape where partnerships and integration are getting a whole new meaning. This will bring on new challenges for both sides. In this post we give a you seven key takeaways from the FinTech side and from the process of implementing a FinTech solution.

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Four Lessons Learned on the MiFID II Ban on Inducements

The partial ban on inducements (formidlingsprovision) related to marketing of investment funds is probably the most controversial part of the MiFID II directive. If we take a look back on the implementation of the legislation. What effect has it had so far and what has changed? This post goes through four lessons that we have learned.

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