SFTR & EMIR – Same Same but Different?
By Christian Thygesen, Partner & Chairman of the Board | The 27th of May, 2019
Read moreBy Christian Thygesen, Partner & Chairman of the Board | The 27th of May, 2019
Read moreStatus on Post-trade Transparency Data Availability
Background: This week the Danish Financial Supervisory Authorities (Finanstilsynet) published its second thematic report on the implementation of the MiFID II directive. The first report published in June 2018 assessed the structure of the Danish UCITS fund market post MiFID II
Finanstilsynet er bekymret for, at pensionskassernes stigende placeringer i alternative investeringer ikke håndteres tilfredsstillende ud fra en risikobetragtning. Hidtidige inspektioner og temaundersøgelser har fået Tilsynet til at sende en byge af påbud til pensionskasserne og offentliggøre en vejledning, som præciserer best practice-processen relateret til alternative investeringer. CMP sætter i denne blog fokus på baggrund og hovedelementer i vejledningen.
By Christian Thygesen, Partner & Chairman of the Board | The 23rd of November, 2018
Some 6 years ago, we at Capital Market Partners (CMP) toured the country visiting smaller and medium sized banks to suggest looking at the possibility of outsourcing (parts of) their Back-Office operations, in particular the settlement and custody of non-Danish securities. To put it nicely, our success was limited. We struggled to understand why these institutions wanted to maintain operations which – on a cost-per-transaction basis – seemed expensive. We never came up with a better answer than the idea that it was part of the DNA of these institutions to have such a department. Read more
Forebyggelse af hvidvask og finansiering af terror er i fokus som aldrig før. Men hvordan får man et overblik over de områder, som man skal tage stilling til i sin organisation? Området er komplekst. Jeg vil her kort introducere nogle af nøgleområderne med fokus på seks dele af den samlede proces inden for forebyggelse af hvidvask og terrorfinansiering.
Hvert år udgiver Computerworld deres top 100 liste, hvor de kårer Danmarks dygtigste it-virksomheder på baggrund af selskabernes regnskabstal – dækkende fra konsulenthuse til softwarefirmaer. Nyheden om førstepladsen i konsulentkategorien kommer som en glædelig overraskelse for Capital Market Partners, hvor både den primære drift og medarbejderantallet er fordoblet.
There is a movement within the financial industry regarding sourcing. Some companies choose to outsource, while others decide to pull back similar tasks previously outsourced. But, why do we experience these different moves? Which factors determine whether something should be outsourced or taken back into the organization? The right match of whether to in- or outsource can be very different from one organization to another. But the reasoning behind, why to in- or outsource, should always depend on company specific objectives.
Net Asset Value (NAV) is value per share of a mutual fund or an exchange-traded fund (ETF) on a specific date or time. For fund managers, this means that accurate prices must be provided on a daily basis in a highly regulated and fast-moving environment – this post goes through four steps that elaborate on how to ensure accurate and timely NAV in relation to processes, system and platform, data and controls.
CMP is a consultancy company. We combine our business knowhow with technical knowledge and practical experience of project management within the Capital Markets area to create a bridge between business and technology.
We support the players in the Capital Markets field, ranging from the largest Nordic banks to data centrals to pension and insurance companies to asset management.
Email: info@cmp.as
Capital Market Partners A/S
St. Regnegade 12, 3.
1110 Copenhagen
CVR: 3308 1731