CFA: Day #2 – Gone Fishing in China
Imagine that you are going for a walk on the shores of a big lake, and you stumble across a man fishing. That proved to have a lot to do with my 2nd day at the conference
Imagine that you are going for a walk on the shores of a big lake, and you stumble across a man fishing. That proved to have a lot to do with my 2nd day at the conference
Finally, the conference has taken off. There is no doubt that there are two major focuses on this year’s conference. The first is behavioral finance, or more accurate how to behave in finance. The second is insights into Asia and especially into China
Once again Partner Kenneth Brandborg is participating in the CFA Institute annual conference. Kenneth will share his daily insights from the conference in Hong Kong
The Capital Markets are constantly evolving. Especially, disruptive technologies are pushing boundaries within the FinTech space of Capital Markets. Being part of this journey, is one of the main reasons for why I joined Capital Market Partners (CMP). At CMP, I have the opportunity to develop my passion for FinTech and have focus on future trends and technologies from a business perspective. For this reason, my colleague Sebastian Olguin Sørensen and I would like to give our view on FinTech in the Capital Markets, how it will evolve in the coming years, and what to prepare for. We will launch our FinTech initiative, Fintechgration 7×7 Pitch Event on June 21st — The event is open for everyone, but offers limited seating, so join now!
Today, we often see large companies in the financial sector moving into new business areas like clearing of new financial products or managing pension products for customers. There can be several reasons for this move, but in many cases the company needs to get at quick and relative thorough picture of their options on how to support this new area from a business, compliance, operational and IT point of view.
This blog is not a pro and con of active versus passive investing. That topic is so well covered by academia and financial professionals. Rather, this blog aims at disclosing a not so often discussed feature in the ETF product: Securities lending programs and the dividend tax optimization as a mean for the low costs in the ETFs.
At CMP, we have been involved in a number of MiFID II projects over the last couple of years. This has been most interesting, but has certainly also had its frustrating moments. Now that the initial deadline has passed, we have taken a bit of time to reflect on the processes between the supervisors and the supervised when implementing such large scale regulatory projects.
As some of you may know, our little company is broadly involved across the Danish financial sector in preparing for the upcoming MiFID regulation. At this point, it seems we are in the middle of the storm, the eye of the hurricane, where everything is eerily quiet.
I forrige post om anvendelse af Portman til afkastberegninger, tog vi udgangspunkt i to danske finansielle virksomheders omlægning til API’et for, at se på hvornår API’et repræsenterer et fordelagtigt alternativ – og hvornår det ikke gør. I denne post går vi i detaljerne med, hvordan API’et kan bruges og implementeres.
Portman er et porteføljestyringssystem. Fremadrettet ønsker Portman, at deres kunder skal anvende deres såkaldte Web API, hvor kunderne kan læse/skrive data direkte på Portmans database. Med afsæt i to danske finansielle virksomheder, tager denne business case udgangspunkt i omlægningen til API’et med eksempler på hvornår API’et repræsenterer et fordelagtigt alternativ, som organisationen kan drage fordel af – og hvornår det ikke gør, baseret på det eksisterende system set-up.
CMP is a consultancy company. We combine our business knowhow with technical knowledge and practical experience of project management within the Capital Markets area to create a bridge between business and technology.
We support the players in the Capital Markets field, ranging from the largest Nordic banks to data centrals to pension and insurance companies to asset management.
Capital Market Partners A/S
St. Regnegade 12, 3.
1110 Copenhagen
CVR: 3308 1731