Capital Market Partners’ M&A Post-Deal Services

M&A is picking up on Danish, Nordic and European basis among financial services companies. Numerous deals have been announced over the last year. More to come.

Capital Market Partners has assisted clients in deal preparation as well as integrations and carve-out over the last years. Mostly, we have put other things aside and engaged in these special cases when required, not giving it that much thought that it was more special than other client assignments.

However, especially over last couple of years it has become clear that we are spending more and more time on M&A/divestment, mostly preparation or post-deal efforts. Therefore, going forward we are putting the M&A/divestment post-deal area more into focus.

Among assignments other the last couple of years, we can mention participation in due diligence , pre-deal business case and carve-out assessment, integration and carve-out programme office management, future operating models, IT system integration assessments etc.

Our clients have counted banking groups, insurance companies, and investment bank.

Over the coming months we will engage more in client dialogues on M&A post-deal with special attention to M&A/divestment preparations, post-deal management, success and fail factors, post-mortem analysis etc. based on our consultants’ experiences from both CMP clients and previous working context.

Contact at CMP – and do reach out for more insight:
Søren Rask Nymark
mobile: +45 4050 6193