How Far Are We From Transparency in Financial Data?

Status on Post-trade Transparency Data Availability

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Fata Morgana or Reality? Quality Improvements in Investor Advisory Services

Background: This week the Danish Financial Supervisory Authorities (Finanstilsynet) published its second thematic report on the implementation of the MiFID II directive. The first report published in June 2018 assessed the structure of the Danish UCITS fund market post MiFID II

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Sourcing – A Reinforced Trend?

By Christian Thygesen, Partner & Chairman of the Board | The 23rd of November, 2018

Some 6 years ago, we at Capital Market Partners (CMP) toured the country visiting smaller and medium sized banks to suggest looking at the possibility of outsourcing (parts of) their Back-Office operations, in particular the settlement and custody of non-Danish securities. To put it nicely, our success was limited. We struggled to understand why these institutions wanted to maintain operations which – on a cost-per-transaction basis – seemed expensive. We never came up with a better answer than the idea that it was part of the DNA of these institutions to have such a department. Read more

Insourcing vs. Outsourcing – How to Get the Right Match

There is a movement within the financial industry regarding sourcing. Some companies choose to outsource, while others decide to pull back similar tasks previously outsourced. But, why do we experience these different moves? Which factors determine whether something should be outsourced or taken back into the organization? The right match of whether to in- or outsource can be very different from one organization to another. But the reasoning behind, why to in- or outsource, should always depend on company specific objectives.

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What Does it Take to Ensure Accurate and Timely NAV?

Net Asset Value (NAV) is value per share of a mutual fund or an exchange-traded fund (ETF) on a specific date or time. For fund managers, this means that accurate prices must be provided on a daily basis in a highly regulated and fast-moving environment – this post goes through four steps that elaborate on how to ensure accurate and timely NAV in relation to processes, system and platform, data and controls.

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7 Key Takeaways in Fintechgration – Implementing a Fintech Solution

We see a development within the financial sector and in the capital market – a development driven by technologies and developed by an increasing number of FinTech startups. For established financial institutions, this means that they are looking at a new landscape where partnerships and integration are getting a whole new meaning. This will bring on new challenges for both sides. In this post we give a you seven key takeaways from the FinTech side and from the process of implementing a FinTech solution.

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Four Lessons Learned on the MiFID II Ban on Inducements

The partial ban on inducements (formidlingsprovision) related to marketing of investment funds is probably the most controversial part of the MiFID II directive. If we take a look back on the implementation of the legislation. What effect has it had so far and what has changed? This post goes through four lessons that we have learned.

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RTS 27 – A Contribution to Transparency?

Among many requirements under MiFID II, RTS 27 demands from market makers, liquidity providers and Systematic Internalisers, the quarterly publication of data related to the quality of execution of the institutions concerned.

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Moving Towards Continuous Delivery and a Better Agile State

For almost two decades, agile and continuous delivery has had much focus in the software development business. Many startups are founded on an agile culture of prototyping and experimenting until a sellable product or service emerge. For older software development companies, it has become a new way to revolutionize the business and deliver more “functionality” faster to get happier clients. The agile tools no matter framework, are easy to implement and use – only a few artifacts that are easy to understand.

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#Fintechgration – We believe in partnerships between financial institutions and FinTech startups

3 min read

The capital market is under development. A development driven by innovative technologies and developed by an increasing number of FinTech startups. The spreading of these startups also means that the established financial institutions can look forward to a market, that increasingly will be about partnerships – however, the integration is bringing on new challenges on both sides.

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