CFA: Day #3 – Vanguard, US Stock Market and Blockchains

From the 3rd day of the CFA Institute Annual Conference, Kenneth Brandborg, Associate partner, shares his insights and highlights the most important debates of the day.

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CFA: Day #2: The conflicts of interest between clients and investment management service providers

Second day at the CFA Institute Annual Conference, Kenneth Brandborg, Associate Partner highlights his key learning points and reflections from today’s debates and speakers.

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CFA: Day #1 – Conference kickoff

First day and the kickoff for the conference, Kenneth Brandborg, Associate Partner at CMP, shares his learning point form the hot topics and the events at the CFA Institute Annual Conference

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CFA: Join CMP at the 70th CFA Institute Annual Conference

For 70 years, the CFA Institute has brought the latest thinking, expert opinions, thought leadership and networking opportunities through their Annual Conference.  Kenneth Brandborg, Associate Partner at CMP, gives you his daily insights as he is attending this year’s conference in Philadelphia. Read about his initial thoughts and expectations here:

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Business case #2

Amortization of loan fees

Business Case #2

A Danish banking Data Processing Center (DPC) had entered into a collaboration with a foreign supplier on development of Basel II functionality for the DPC’s banking customers. Since the supplier had extensive experience with – and software for – management of a wide range of financial instruments, the company was also selected to develop a system for the amortization of major loan fees in accordance with IFRS/IAS specifications.

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Business case #1

Implementation of new trading system

Business Case #1

A commercial bank had become a member of a Danish banking Data Processing Center (DPC). For different reasons, the bank did not want to use the DPC’s existing stock exchange trading solution in relation to domestic fixed income instruments and equities. Instead, the customer preferred a foreign supplier offering a considerably more advanced trading system which had the ability to integrate with the Copenhagen Stock Exchange/Nasdaq/OMX (and, in addition, a large number of international stock exchanges). Read more

Robotics software

Robotics Software

In recent years, there has been a lot of focus on, and writing about, “robotics software”. In this context, we mean software able to perform IT related tasks normally done by humans, and not software controlling industrial robots used when e.g. painting a car.

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Business critical issue

When simple data collection develops into a business-critical issue

It is not unusual to experience, that what seems like a simple solution in data collection, over time become so complex that it might turn into a critical issue for the organisation. But is it possible to handle the situation, where things like small spreadsheet solutions slowly develop into systems, and over time become business-critical and get character of daily IT production? It is, but you need to consider recognition, security and agreement on IT policies to make it turn into an advantage for the organisation. 

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Agile management

Being agile? Really?

Scrum has been around for 21 years, and has probably for the past decade been THE most popular software development framework enabling companies and organizations in the software industry to behave agile.

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Reconciled data

Do you understand the value of reconciled data?

Not surprisingly, the creation of regulatory reporting – such as financial reporting – is important for financial institutions. It’s a license to operate. Therefore, it is important to get things done at the right time and with the right quality. But one thing is the importance of financial reporting; another that it has to be repeated, month after month, at the right time and with the appropriate quality. As a result, it should only be natural to focus on optimizing the reporting process. But often that’s not the case.

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