Business Case #1: 
Portman Porteføljestyringssystem & Web API

Portman er et porteføljestyringssystem. Fremadrettet ønsker Portman, at deres kunder skal anvende deres såkaldte Web API, hvor kunderne kan læse/skrive data direkte på Portmans database. Med afsæt i to danske finansielle virksomheder, tager denne business case udgangspunkt i omlægningen til API’et med eksempler på hvornår API’et repræsenterer et fordelagtigt alternativ, som organisationen kan drage fordel af – og hvornår det ikke gør, baseret på det eksisterende system set-up.

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I kølvandet på forandringerne i den finansielle sektor: CMP byder velkommen til erfaren kapitalforvalter inden for Investment Management.

Det er med stor glæde at CMP fra 1. oktober 2017, kan byde Henning Skov Jensen velkommen, som ny manager. Henning bliver en del af Investment Management teamet, og skal med sin omfattende erfaring inden for kapitalforvaltning, styrke udvidelsen af de allerede eksisterende ydelser CMP tilbyder kunderne, indenfor Investment Management.

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Long Term Effects of MiFID II – 3rd Edition

For Whom the Bell Tolls

– Will MiFID II Bring About the End of the OTC Era?

Over the last couple of days, I have posted on what I see as the likely effect of MiFIR on respectively the equity and bond markets. In this post, we will turn to the derivatives markets. These are the “true” OTC markets, and my prediction is, that this is where the impact of MiFIR will be felt the hardest.  I see several factors combining to bring this about.

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Long Term Effects of MiFID II – 2nd Edition

For Whom the Bell Tolls

– Will MiFID II Bring About the End of the OTC Era?

MiFID II/MiFIR is a broad regulatory complex, that influences a lot of activities within the banks. Currently, people within the financial sector across Europe are busy getting it right and delivered in time. In three editions, I can hopefully broaden the perspective of the consequences of MiFID within the next couple of years. In this series of posts, I will take my point of departure in three important markets: equity, bonds and derivatives.

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Long Term Effects of MiFID II – 1st Edition

For Whom the Bell Tolls

– Will MiFID II Bring About the End of the OTC Era?

A whole lot of people are currently very busy across the European financial sector getting ready for MiFID II/MiFIR for January 2018. It’s a broad regulatory complex, touching many aspects of the banks’ activities. I imagine that project owners and steering groups – not to mention the project managers and the many project participants – are focused on getting the many deliverables in place, getting the details right and fretting about the lack of legal clarity on important aspects.

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Reviewing the IT landscape

All financial organizations are heavily dependent on IT systems. And in most cases, organizations have several systems, with a lot of connectivity, which create a large and complicated IT landscape.

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An asset in the capital market

This August in Scan Magazine you can read about the foundation of the company, the kind of solutions that are created for clients, and how Capital Market Partners have established themselves as a trustworthy company with knowledgeable, responsible, and approachable employees.

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Kenneth Brandbord is wrapping up this year's conference

CFA: Day #4 – Wrapping up this year’s conference

In the final post from the CFA Institute Annual Conference, Kenneth Brandborg, gives you his insights from the  reception, and final remarks from the last speeches at this year’s conference.

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CFA: Day #3 – Vanguard, US Stock Market and Blockchains

From the 3rd day of the CFA Institute Annual Conference, Kenneth Brandborg, Associate partner, shares his insights and highlights the most important debates of the day.

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CFA: Day #2: The conflicts of interest between clients and investment management service providers

Second day at the CFA Institute Annual Conference, Kenneth Brandborg, Associate Partner highlights his key learning points and reflections from today’s debates and speakers.

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